
Read what our clients have to say

Mr. Ram has coached me at a time , which was very much required at this juncture of my career. Real hands on person with in-depth knowledge in the field . His sessions were simple but very effective which can be easily adapted in your professional career. Having worked in different companies , top positions & in different countries , you cannot ask for a better coach with a vast experience. The methodology used for coaching was excellent with both inside & outside exposures. All said he is a humble & down to earth person & always energetic. I should thank Mr.Ram for taking up this assignment in my journey of transformation for almost 8 months , which would help me to be better professional going forward ....

Mr Rajesh Lobo,

Senior Director - Plant

LM Windpower Blades India Pvt Ltd

Even, The Best in any field need a coach, who can complement you ,while leading a large and complex organization with a many high performing individuals working for you, Ram exactly is the person for that; although he comes to you as C-level coach but he never let you feel that he is telling you what to do rather he make you arrive to the decision point which is Just right in the given situation and slowly he enables you to be at your own run your business with the sensitivity which is requires. Ram very well understands the dynamics of different level of organization both nationally and internationally coupled with different cultures across the continents, hence, he helps in understanding the cross cultural issues when you are heading an operation in a true MNC environment and it definitely helps a leader to emerge as international executive. Among many aspects which he enables you to learn & develop the best is he drives you to run business with extremely high level of Integrity and value system, which for any leader in Top most position becomes an asset. Its really great experience to have him as Coach , as friend and as a firm Guide in the journey Uphill.

Mr Neeraj Bisaria

Managing Director 

Premium Transmission P Ltd

"Ram was one of the best HR leaders whom I have partnered with in Motorola India. He was a great leader with in depth skills on HR strategy, Rewards, Organization Design, Leadership development, Governance & operations. He was one of the few HR leaders whom I have worked with had a great business acumen. His ability to balance between business needs and enforcing HR policies is commendable. Every time I walked into his office with a critical HR problem, he used to amaze me with a solution. His energy, functional wisdom and diverse experience are hard to match and I enjoyed working with him. 

Dr K Subramanian

VP Engineering ( Retail )

Johnson Controls Inc., USA

Ram was my manager during my stint in Texas Instruments in the early 90's. Almsot 25 years have passed since then, however he remains, by far, the best HR Leader I have had the blessing to be led by. Ram brings to the table to extraordinary balance of strategy, practical wisdom, good humor, "unflappableness", a commitment to deep lifelong learning, the ability to push the envelope on what HR does, building real professional HR practice, deep respect for people, strong excellent focus and networking, and exceptional ethical standards. Ram has continued, through these years, to be source of guidance and mentoring for me at key junctures. Ram is truly a benchmark on what professional and strategic HR leadership should look like.

Mr Mathew Jacob

Senior Leadership Development Director

Royal Dutch Shell,

Houston, Texas