Assessment & Development Center Services

Making you aware of your Strengths, enabling you to overcome your Development Areas

Ram designs and delivers Assessment and Development Center Programs for Organizations. For Organizations that have a formal written and socialized Competency Framework, we work with their framework to assess and give feedback to their participants. For Organizations that have no formal written Competency Frameworks, we work with them to identify and develop one and then assess their employees against the Competency Framework.

Ram, along with his team of other Assessors, deliver a professional, objective and insightful feedback to the participants and also do a debrief at the Organizational level for the senior Leadership as to how to take the results of the Assessment / Development forward in terms of execution.

The logical extension to the Assessment / Development Centers is to help the participants in working on their Individual Development Plans ( IDPs ) and help them come up with concrete steps to unlearn and learn new behaviors for them to become more effective and successful in their respective jobs.

Ram has personally conducted and assessed hundreds of such Assessment / Development Centers.